
Pokeumans Chapter 12

Deviation Actions

pokemonmanic3595's avatar

Literature Text

Val took us back to the harbor, just several streets away from the car.

"Why don't you come with us Val? It'll be like old times," said Reggie.

The human Tangrowth sighed. "I would love to Reggie, but, I've settled in now. I have a girlfriend, and a job. I can't just drop everything and go on an adventure. My PRT days are over man, but, if you ever need anymore support, I'll do anything I can."

Reggie walked over and the two pounded fists and then gave each other a bro hug.

"Take care of the kid, he has a lot of potential," whispered Val, though I was able to hear him thanks to my heightened hearing.

"See ya man, good luck with your life," said Reggie.

With that, we turned around and started walking for the car.

Within thirty minutes, we were back on the road back to Long Island.

"Okay, once we get to a secure area, check the map for the next gem," said Reggie.

I nodded and dug through the backpack, pulling out the gem. It was so weird, when I took the gem out, the energy radiated strongly, but once I put it back inside the backpack, I wasn't able to sense it.

"Also, keep the gems in the backpack; it contains a high level energy shield. Pokéxtinctionists are pretty good when it comes to finding high energy readings, so if the gem is exposed we could be tracked down."

I gulped quickly before putting the Light Blue crystal back into the bag.

We drove down the interstate, crossing bridges, passing exits, driving by towns. We were back on Long Island, and we had two more gems to find before Mr. X did.

We drove for fifteen minutes before pulling over into a deserted parking lot. A couple of cars were going by, and we took this chance to read the map. I deactivated my ring and shifted to Lucario form. I looked at the closest glowing spot to us. Words appeared under it and I gasped. The second gem was at Splish Splash Water Park.

"Splish Splash…I used to go there all of the time…" I mumbled.

"It's at the water park? Alright then, get ready Brandon, I bet Pokéxtinction has heighted their security after Liberty Island. We should be careful.

Splish Splash was in the town of Riverhead and it was a long way to go. I suddenly thought of something.

"Um Reggie, isn't it Spring?"

"I think so," he said.

"Wouldn't a water park be closed in Spring?"

We both were silent, both thinking.

"Well," said Reggie, inputting the coordinates to the park into the GPS, "We have no choice then."

I looked at him, hoping he wouldn't have to say it…

"We're gonna have to break in."

*sigh* Perfect.


After a silent hour and thirty-five minute drive, I saw the top of the Cliff Hanger slide over the trees, and I knew we were almost there.

We found the entrance to the park, but the two toll booths prevented us from getting the car in the parking lot. We hid it in the bushes, I put on the backpack, and we ventured inside the park. The many parking lots were bare and void of any cars or people. It was abandoned. Unfortunately I had forgotten to charge the iPhone, and we were unable to check for minions.

We walked up to the admission booths, only to find they were fenced off. It was the straight bar kind of fence, making it harder to climb.

"Hold on, I have an idea," said Reggie.

He tapped his ring a few times and his arms changed to his Grovyle arms.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

He sharpened his leaves into blades, and in two quick slashes, sliced four of the bars off, allowing us to enter. He quickly changed his arms to human form and we both slipped inside.

"Quick, give me the bag."

I handed Reggie the bag and he opened a pocket I didn't notice before, and pulled out a small orange bottle. He squeezed a bit of silver goop onto the stubs from where he cut the steel fence and put the pieces back in place. He then jerked on them, and they were back in place.

"Reinforced Steel Adhesive. Never go on a dangerous mission without it," he said.

"Come on, let's go. I can sense the energy already!"

It was true, I felt a powerful presence within the vicinity of the park, and when I closed my eyes, a brilliant Ruby Red energy hovered through the air. Just because I was wearing a humanizing ring didn't mean I wasn't able to use my aura powers. We walked past the souvenir shops and the lockers, past the restrooms and the food court and into the main park.

As I passed by the familiar slides and empty pools, an instant wave of nostalgia hit me directly in the heart. I knew I could never go here while I was a Pokéuman, all of the rides I couldn't ever ride. Before I could stop myself, tears overflowed my eyes and spilled onto my cheeks. I missed it all, my former life. Sure, being a Pokémon was awesome, but I missed being human, enjoying the simple human pleasures of life.

Reggie sat me down on a bench and put his arm on my shoulder while I pulled myself together.

"Do you know why I joined the PRT?" he asked.

I shook my head while looking at the ground.

"I did it because I too once felt what you're going through. Being a Pokéuman is the ultimate sacrifice, leaving your family and friends behind. It's enough to break anyone's heart. I joined the PRT so I could cope with being a Pokémon, to feel like I had a purpose beyond existing. And you know, my job has helped me make friends like you, and I can feel the pleasure one feels after being rescued. I knew you never asked for this, but everyone becomes a Pokémon for a reason. And I know you are destined to save us all."

That speech made me feel a lot better.

"Thank you Reggie for being my friend. I'm gonna do my best to live, and let go of the past, but keep it close to my heart."

Reggie smiled, "That's right! Now let's go find that gem!"

I stood up, revitalized and closed my eyes. The Ruby Red energy was getting stronger. I ran down the sidewalk down to the main slides. And finally, I saw a cloud of energy that was radiating from the Dragon's Den ride.

"Um, I think the gem is coming from the Dragon's Den ride, but how are we gonna get at it?" I asked.

Reggie thought for a moment.

"Follow me."

The Dragon's Den ride is a slide that opens into a big bowl that you swirl around until you a dropped off at the exit tunnel. It's also a Double Tube ride. It would be great fun, if only it weren't void of any water. Never the less, we climbed over the fences and ropes and ran up the stairs to the top of the ride. I looked down into the bowl. A dragon statue stood in the center of it, right above the exit tunnel. The Ruby energy was coming from its eye.

"The gem must be the dragon statue's eye! Let me try to get it!"

I slipped off my ring, turning into a Lucario. I shut my eyes and concentrated, remembering the move that Austin had taught me. I raised my paw and I focused on the dragon statue.


I pulled as hard as I could, but the gem came out partially, and didn't budge from there. I tried again, but I only ended up knocking a few leaves off the statue. Essentially, it didn't work.

"Aw man, I thought that would work," I said with my ears drooping from disappointment.

Reggie merely chuckled as I put my ring back on.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. Psychic is a notoriously hard move to master without the use of a TM."

"Yeah, I just recently learned it, but now how are we gonna get…"

Before I could finish my sentence, Reggie jumped into the slide, despite the fact there was no water, and slid all the way down into the giant basin. I watched as he stood looking up at the statue, before he changed into his Grovyle form, hopped the statue like it was nothing, swiped the gem then jumped from the statue back to the top of the slide where I was, all in under a minute.

I didn't have any words for what I had just witnessed.

"Simple but effective, now we have two," he said, handing me the Ruby Red crystal.

I quickly unzipped the bag and placed the gem inside, the two energies combining to make a brilliant shade of Lavender.

"Hey Reggie, don't you think this place would at least have security?" I asked while we both walked down the steps.

"I'm sure they're out on break or something. As long as we leave quickly, we can get away unnoticed."

As soon as we made it to the bottom we were surrounded by an army of men wearing black.

"You're one of them…" they said holding up purple spray cans.



Immediately, Reggie changed back into his Grovyle form, I jumped on his back and he leaped over the minions and ran at top speed through the park. I would've smacked my forehead if I could. Pokéxtinction knew that we'd be arriving so they set up an ambush! And we fell right for it.

Reggie was quick on his feet, expertly dodging the minions and the puffs of purple gas. All was going well until I leaned to the right and I inhaled some of the spray.

"Brandon! Are you okay?!" shouted Reggie as we dashed through the parking lot, mere meters away from the spot we hid the car.

I couldn't answer; my paws were sliding off as I began to suffer the effects of the purple gas. I was slowly losing consciousness…

I felt my paw slip off Reggie's back and then a hard smack as my body hit the pavement hard. Everything was a blur, but I felt arms grabbing me and dragging me somewhere. In my haze-filled mind, I knew I was doomed.

That is until I heard the screeching of tires.

I heard people screaming and lots of thudding before another arm grabbed me and pulled me inside a vehicle. I didn't know whether I was in a Pokéxtinction truck or the car, because right then and there I blacked out…

When I opened my eyes I was sitting on a cloud above a forest.

"Huh? What the…where am I?" I asked.

"Where do you think you are my young friend?" asked a familiar voice.

"Am I dreaming again?"

"It would appear so," said Spiritus, also riding on a cloud.

"Spiritus! I have to wake up! I was captured and Reggie…"

"Calm down young one, you will be back soon. I just would like to ask a simple question."

I looked at him, "What is it Spiritus?"

"Are you happy being a Pokéuman?"

I sat there on my cloud and thought. Was I really happy as a Pokéuman? I mean, did I want to go back to my old, human life? Being a Lucario had its perks, but it really was a tough thought. I loved my new friends, but could they ever replace the family I had lost? I couldn't answer him, I was too conflicted.

"It's okay if you can't answer me now, because I believe you are in the middle of a car chase scene," he said before flying away.


Immediately the wind was knocked out of my breath as I was slammed to the floor of a moving vehicle. I groaned as I sat up to see the familiar gray walls around me. I still had the bag, but I was in an empty cargo space. That could only mean…

Before I could even react, there was a huge blasting sound and the doors of the truck literally flew off. I jumped back in surprise because we were actually moving on the road! Well, that and Reggie was leaning out of the red car from the passenger side still in his Grovyle form, using his feet to steer the wheel.

"BRANDON! JUMP IN NOW!" he shouted.

He didn't need to tell me twice. I quickly leaped from the truck and tumbled into the car. Reggie quickly slid back into his seat and put his ring back on as black cars drove up, with men in black uniforms holding laser guns, pointed at us.

"What are we gonna do?!" I asked franticly.

"Don't worry, I've got an idea," said Reggie.

He pressed a switch and a big red button appeared from the horn. In an instant, he jabbed the button as hard as he could. We went from 50mph to 180 in less than three seconds. The car sped by the trucks with ease and we zoomed down the road at speeds you couldn't even comprehend. I was even forced into the seat due to the extreme G-Forces I was feeling.

"TTtttttttuuurrrrbbbbbbooooooo cchhhhhaaaarrrgggggeeeeee……!" I cried.

We zoomed at incredible speeds for about two and a half minutes, though empty roads and fields, until we finally came to a stop on an empty road next to the woods.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no…" Reggie moaned as the he turned the ignition, but the car wouldn't start.

"What happened?" I asked, looking through the back window for minions.

"I knew this would happen. The turbo charge depleted all of our gasoline. We're stuck," he groaned.

"Um Reggie, I don't think that's the least of our problems," I said as I heard a wailing siren and a cop car pulled over to us. If he was Pokéxtinction we were screwed.

The cop got out of his cruiser. He was wearing the standard uniform, had dirty blonde hair and a mustache and he was wearing sunglasses, so we couldn't tell if his eyes were gray.

"License and registration please," said the officer.

Reggie sighed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his license.

The officer studied it for a second, and then looked at us again.

"I saw a car like yours speeding 180 MPH back there, pretty sure it as your car because these streets are usually empty."

"Well officer, you see…" started Reggie.

The officer raised his eyebrow and leaned in closer and said the words I didn't want to hear.

"You're one of them aren't you?"

I froze up again. This was it. He was going to gas us and I would be brainwashed. I looked at Reggie, who was also frozen for a second. I squeezed my eyes shut, getting ready to be sprayed in the face again.

The officer laughed and took off his glasses, revealing orange-brown eyes.

"Hehe, sorry I scared you, wanted to make sure I was talking to one of my own kind."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"What I'm saying is that I'm a Pokéuman too," he said, showing us a plain wedding band.

We both looked at him, surprised by this unexpected confession.

"Prove it," is all Reggie said.

The officer slipped off the band and majestically transformed into an Arcanine. After about a second he put the ring on, changing back into a police officer.

We both stared in shock.

"As you both can see I'm actually an Arcanine. I saw you two being chased by Pokéxtinction goons and I managed to follow you to make sure you were safe. Anyways, my name is Johnny. Nice to meet ya!"

Reggie and I were still a bit dumbfounded.

"I can give you a lift to the gas station, and call a tow truck if you need it."

We both looked at each other. Reggie and I both knew it was a big risk, this guy could be a brainwashed Pokéxtinction minion, but it was extremely unlikely since he turned into an Arcanine right in front of us.

"Climb in the back boys," he said, opening the car doors of his police cruiser.

"We have no other choice Brandon," was all Reggie said, getting out of the car.

I grabbed the bag and the phone before sighing and slowly climbed into the back of the cruiser as the officer spoke into a radio.

"Hey, it's Johnny. I've got two "special customers" who need their car fixed. I'm by the old abandoned road in Riverhead. You should know where it is."

He hung up the radio and began driving down the road.

Reggie and I sat awkwardly in the back for a few minutes.

"So, what are a couple of young ones like yourselves doing outside a base?" he asked.

I looked at Reggie, and he shook his head.

"Do you mind if we don't tell you now? I mean, we're still not completely sure if you're really a Pokéuman or a secret Pokéxtinction minion," I said.

"Ah yes, I completely understand. You never know who's who these days. It can be frustrating to the bone," he said.

"Then, how did you know we were Pokéumans?" I asked.

"Think about it son," said the officer, "What kind of technology can make a car go that fast in mere seconds unless it was enhanced by the creative mind of a Pokéuman? Besides, I picked up a strange energy reading coming from you."

I looked at the bag, a noticed it was slightly open. I quickly zipped it up.

"Well, usually Pokéumans try to stay out of the affairs of others unless it's an emergency," said Reggie, suspiciously.

Officer Johnny sighed. "I decided to help you guys because I recognized Pokéxtinction, and I've sworn myself to stopping them at all costs. Not just rescue the ones they capture, but to bust down their entire sick organization once and for all."

Reggie leaned forward. "Look sir, we all hate Pokéxtinction, but even I would think twice about doing something to harm Pokéxtinction without orders," he said.

He was silent for a few seconds before sighing again.

"Well…they didn't take your family away from you twice…" is all he said.

We kept quiet for a moment before he told us his tale.

"I hate Pokéxtinction; I hate them for all they have done. I mean, taking young'uns away from their families is cruel. They justify it by saying that Pokémon are dangerous creatures that should be contained, but that's a dirty, dirty lie."

"When I was 14, I turned into a Growlithe. Didn't really know what I was, since this was before the mainstream games were released, but I remember them busting into my house, gassing me as my parents watched in horror."

"I adjusted to life inside a base, but never truly felt like home, I mean how could it? As much comfort they offer, you can't really call it home. Anyways, I joined the PRT, and graduated the base when I was an Elite."

"I decided to rejoin the human world, and entered Police academy. That's where I met my wife, oh she was beautiful and smart, but ignorant to the terrible secret I carried. I had disguised my ring as a heirloom from my father, and I told her I could never take it off. Of course she understood, and within a few months, we got married. I had to tell her my parents died, but of course my base hooked me up with all of the necessary papers. We lived happily for years; I even changed my ring to the wedding band, to prove to her I would never take it off, even though I couldn't tell her why."

I sat quietly, picturing everything in my head.

"Then one day, I was getting dressed, and my ring slipped off, and I turned back into my Arcanine form in front of my wife. Luckily she weren't the sleeper agent type, but my neighbor was, who saw me through the window. Soon, a hundred Pokéxtinction agents had me surrounded, and…and…"

"What, happened to your wife?" asked Reggie.

"I tried to take them out while keeping her safe, but they grabbed her and started to take her away, they knew they weren't able to erase seven years of marriage, and I spat a Flamethrower at them to ward 'em off…they sprayed their gas, and the gas caught fire…and…my house exploded…taking them out…along with her…"

Johnny started shuddering violently, before shaking his head and recomposing himself.

"I survived and ran deep into the woods, and hid for a long time. By the time I saw the news story the day after at the diner; they said she had perished in the fire and that I was a fugitive being charged with arson. I had to make a new humanizing ring, and assume a new identity. But…they took away my childhood, and then they took my new life. That's all they do, they take and take and take but don't care who or what they hurt. They're a truly evil organization, nothing they do will ever make me forgive them. I never got to explain to her why…"

That story touched my heart. He had to live as a Pokéuman, finally allowed to rejoin human society, and Pokéxtinction took it away. I thought I missed my family, but he lost his parents and a wife. That would be enough to drive anyone crazy.

"Mr. Johnny sir, I think I know how you can help us stop them," I said.

Reggie and I looked at each other and we both knew what we were thinking.

"We are hunting for the Dimensional Gems, special crystals that may help stop Mr. X and his insidious plan to take over the world," said Reggie.

I couldn't see his expression from the back, but I felt him smile.

"Well, if these gems will put a stop to that evil organization once and for all, I'll do everything in my power to help you. Just tell me where you need to go boys, and I'll make sure your mission gets accomplished."

I smiled; there was nothing that could stop us from getting to that last gem.

We had to wait for the auto repair man to fix our car, luckily he too was a Pokéuman, and had the proper tools to repair our extensive gadgets and upgrades the LI Base had made to the car. We quickly managed to phone the Commander, who informed us that the others were also doing well, each team having one gem.

We weren't able to read the map due to the presence of so many people, but Reggie remembered the last gem being somewhere near the LI Base, so after getting our car back, we decided to split up.
"Call me when you discover the next location, and I'll meet you there,"

Johnny headed for the base in his cruiser and we followed behind in our car.

"This is going well," I said, as we drove down the highway.

"Yeah, but don't think this last gem will be so easy, remember to always keep focused," said Reggie.

I checked the weather app on the iPhone, saying that it was going to rain pretty badly.

"We should be careful," I said.

In an hour, a full-on thunderstorm had hit, crashing lightning and sheets of rain forced us to slow down and pull into a local community. It was dark and pouring out, and no one was around, so Reggie quickly took his ring off and checked the map, while I looked for minions. As I stared out the window at the buildings, I noticed something familiar. Very familiar.

"Wait a minute, this is my neighborhood."

Reggie looked up quickly.

"Really? You can tell?"

I squinted my eyes and peered through the window. I recognized the familiar houses and stores, things I thought I would never see again.

"This is it; I'm back in my hometown."

Reggie put his ring on again.

"Okay, we're heading in the right direction. The next gem is at an old campground a few miles away from the LI Base."

I guess he noticed the expression on my face.

"But…if you want we can drive around for a few minutes."

I didn't know if that would be the best thing for me, but…I felt like I had to.

"Okay, just for a few minutes, just take the next left here."

I gave Reggie the instructions, and soon we were approaching my home. As we drove along, I noticed something weird. For some reason all the lights in the neighborhood were off, including the streetlights. I checked my watch; it was only 8pm.

"It looks like a blackout," Reggie said, turning up the windshield wipers.

We made it to my block, and we drove down the familiar streets and parked in front of my house. As stared at it through the rain-covered windows, I felt tears well up in my eyes. It had been a month since I was home, and it felt like I was just arriving home from a vacation. But I knew it was not my home anymore.

Before I could stop myself, I burst out of the car and ran towards my house window. I just had to see it again….I had to…

"Brandon! Come back!" Reggie shouted, right before a loud boom of thunder struck. I heard the door shut as he ran after me.

I ran to the side of my house and peered through my bedroom window. My clone was tossing and turning in his sleep. I stood there, getting soaked from head to toe with rain, but I didn't feel it at all. I just stared at the person, who thought he was me. He had all of my human features, and wore the same clothes I used to wear to bed. This was the clone they had replaced me with, and they got every detail perfect, even to the little scar on my cheek I got when I was four.

Reggie came up beside me. "Brandon come on, we can't stay here forever. There's nothing you can do."

I sighed heavily, thunder rumbling above me. I wanted to do something about this, I wanted someone to know. And what better than a person that is technically me.

"Reggie, I need to return to Lucario form just for a second, can you cover me?"

He looked around, the streets were deserted and dark and getting flooded by sheets of rain. "Well, the rain, darkness and the blackout should make it hard for anyone-especially Pokéxtinctionists-to locate us immediately. Whatever you're doing, make it fast."

I nodded and slipped off my humanizing ring, restoring me to my Lucario body. I closed my eyes and focused. The world needed to know about us, and a human writing these stories wouldn't draw any suspicion, people would just think they were made-up stories. Besides, it could help potential Pokéumans survive if people knew about them. I conjured mental images of everything I had experienced, transferred them into an energy wisp, and released them. They flew through the wall, and into my sleeping clone. At once, he stopped rolling around and started sleeping peacefully. I hoped that the dream I had sent him would help him see the world of the Pokéumans, and knowing myself, I would get on it soon enough. I quickly slipped my ring back on and Reggie and I hopped back into the car.  

"Thank you Reggie…I…needed that…" I said, water dripping from my hair and clothing.

"No problem kiddo, I understand."

I sighed and stared out the window.

"I know I didn't have a choice to leave, but I realize now that this was meant to happen, and I need to accept it. I miss my family so badly it hurts, but, I know I have people to protect, and like it or not, I'm pulling through. Come on, we have to find Johnny. Onwards to the next gem!"
Well, here it is! The next epic chapter of Pokéumans! This chapter I wanted to deal with the subject of letting go of the past, because being a Pokéuman is the ultimate sacrifice. It's not all fun and games when you have to leave the ones you love.

Well anyways, we found the gem, and now you guys know how the stories can coexist with our world! Where will the next one take us? Find out on "Pokéumans Chapter 13 - The Gemstone Journey Part 3"

Pokémon belongs to Nintendo
Pokéumans belongs to me :D

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QuietDenne's avatar
Brandon Clone, I hope your dream was true... because mine would be too.

After all, why can fate be a little artistic? wink grin